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Passmores Academy

Passmores Academy

Improving upon our best

Uniform and Standards

The wearing of school uniform is compulsory at Passmores and strictly enforced. It is considered that the school uniform promotes a positive attitude, a sense of belonging to the school, and a suitable image in the eyes of the wider community. 


•Navy blazer with a school badge.

•Navy V-neck jumper (optional). Please note, sweatshirts with rounded collars are not permitted.

•Plain dark grey trousers or pleated skirt (knee-length and not rolled)*

•Plain white shirt with buttons to the collar (tucked in).

•School tie with House cog (worn below the knot).

•Grey, navy or black socks or tights (worn below the knee).

•Lanyard (to be worn with card showing correctly).


Must be all black and made of leather or leather-look.  This is always the case and includes when young people may have an injury.

We do not allow –


•Boots higher than the ankle.

•Steel toe caps.



Jewellery should be kept to a minimum for safety and security reasons

•Earrings must be small studs or cuffs (no limit on number)

•One small ring on each hand (sovereign type rings are not allowed)

•Nose studs must be small and discreet


Hair must be of a natural colour. Any extensions or additions to hair, must fulfil this requirement. We do not allow –


•Shaved designs


Nails should be no longer than the tips of the finger, for health and safety. This is especially important for practical lessons. 

Nude colours are allowed.


Make up, if worn, should be natural looking and minimal.


Eyelashes, must also look natural. ‘Strip lashes’ and ‘Russian lashes’ are not acceptable.

PLEASE NOTE: Students will not be allowed in circulation with incorrect hair or uniform

We can sometimes provide items of pre-loved school wear and are grateful for any donations of clean uniform that your children may have grown-out-of.


PE uniform consists of:

·Royal blue rugby shirt OR white polo shirt.

·Royal blue shorts OR navy-blue leggings OR navy-blue tracksuit bottoms.

·Trainers (with non-marking soles).

·White PE socks OR royal blue football socks.

·Navy blue hoodie (optional).

·Tracksuit top (optional).

·Unbranded uniform can be worn.


Suppliers: Create Identitee

Unit 17 & 18,
St James Centre,
East Road,
CM20 2SX

TEL: 01279 456016
FAX: 01279 456017


In addition to the local supplier Create Identitee, appropriate skirts can also be purchased online from

Banned Items

In addition to those items banned in every school, we should alert you to the fact that a) we do not permit students to bring products with nuts involved in their manufacture at all, and, b) we do not permit aerosol sprays into the school building.  These are rules upheld for the health and safety of particular staff and students and are non-negotiable.

Relationships and Behaviour

We pride ourselves on our high standards of discipline and mutual respect that have been the bedrock on which we have built our academy's successes to date.  At the heart of everything we do is a commitment to cooperative principles and inclusive practice. 

Our school has a Relationship Charter rather than a Behaviour Policy, which has been created by the students, parents/carers and staff, as well as canvassing the views of the local community.  The charter is reviewed regularly.

Our charter seeks to affirm rather than condemn, to reward as well as challenge.  It applies equally to all members of our school community and enshrines the behaviours we expect adults to model, as well as students.

The charter enshrines the behaviours expected of students on their way to or from school and when in uniform as well. Students and adults associated with the school have a duty to protect its good name in the community and digital world, and to act in accordance with the principles set out in the charter.

Should a student transgress the charter they may find themselves open to one or more sanctions, depending on the severity or nature of the offence and circumstances.  These sanctions may be drawn (not exclusively) from this list:

  • student spoken to;
  • participation in a restorative justice experience;
  • removal of part of break or lunchtime;
  • afterschool detention;
  • placed in a cool down room;
  • edzone (an offset school day housed away from peers);
  • internal exclusion in the TATE Centre at Potter Street;
  • permanent exclusion from school.

Our school strongly feels that permanent exclusion is a drastic and unwanted penalty for behaviour and it will only be considered in cases where there is a compelling reason to use it and where all other alternatives have been exhausted.

While in the school we similarly expect visitors to uphold our standards of behaviour and treat others with respect.